Montpellier, June 20, 2023 – CYTEA BIO, a pre-clinical stage biotech company developing therapeutic antibody-effector cell constructs, is pleased to announce the formation of its Clinical Steering Group for the planning and execution of clinical activities for the Pin™ NK cell treatment for Glioblastoma Multiforme.
Dr. Roger Stupp
Dr. Roger Stupp is an internationally recognized medical oncologist who has made significant contributions to the field of oncology. He is particularly known for his groundbreaking research in the treatment of glioblastoma.
Dr. Roger Stupp’s research has led to the development of two novel treatments that have received FDA approval and are now considered the standard of care for patients suffering from glioblastoma.
He is the Paul Bucy Professor of Neurological Surgery, and Professor of Medicine (Hematology/Oncology) and Neurology at Northwestern University in Chicago. He serves as Associate Director for the Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center and Co- Director of the Malnati Brain Tumor Institute. He is the chief of the Division of Neuro-Oncology at Northwestern Medicine.
“Innovation in clinical treatment is a continual process. Yesterday’s concepts become todays standard of care and establish new baselines for new ideas and practical solutions. Immunotherapy offers great promise and has been a major innovation in numerous cancers. Together with novel technologies next generation immunomodulatory treatments are being developed to treat even the most resistant cancer types. The PinTM platform has the potential to find an important place in the future toolkit used by clinicians.”
Prof. Mitchel Berger
Prof. Mitchel Berger is an internationally recognized surgeon and researcher. One of Dr. Berger’s specialties is brain mapping, a technique used to identify and preserve areas of motor, sensory, and language function during surgery.
He is director of the Brain Tumor Center, director of the Center for Neurological Injury and Repair and co-director of the Adult Brain Tumor Surgery Program.
“Clinicians share a great desire to identify and implement better treatments to improve the lives of their patients. The best cancer surgeons need effective drug treatments to compliment their skills. The emergence of immunotherapy options like the PinTM platform provides real hope to improve patient outcomes and quality of life for sufferers of devastating disease.”
Prof. Nicolas de Tribolet
Prof. Nicolas de Tribolet is a Swiss surgeon and researcher. Former Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Lausanne and of Geneva. He directed the department of neurosurgery at CHUV. Professor de Tribolet is recognized for his high level of expertise in virtually all areas of neurosurgery especially neuro-oncology.
“We are entering an era when clinicians can harness the power of nature positively, rather than using treatments which seek to modify or fight it. The Pin™ Platform exploits the natural benefits of the human immune system in a gentle but potent manner to selectively target and eliminate diseased cells, with minimal damage to heathy cells. There is great potential in this simple, but elegant approach.”
Prof. Ariel Ruiz i Altaba
Ariel Ruiz i Altaba is a full professor at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and has a strong expertise on cancer stem cells as well as on their role in metastatic development. He obtained his PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Harvard University, followed by post-doctoral work at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University, New York. He was a professor at the Skirball Institute of New York University School of Medicine, New York, USA, before moving to Geneva.
“CYTEA BIO has a tremendous capacity to transform key biological knowledge and know-how into results that will transform patients’ lives. CYTEA BIO’s Pin™ Platform brings together biological and living components in a unique yet versatile combination, which offers real hope for improved outcomes. In its elegant simplicity, it is a most exciting approach to harness immune cell therapy as a universal tool to attack multiple targets in a myriad of tumor types.”
Dr. Andrew Galazka
Dr. Andrew Galazka received his medical degree at Cambridge and worked as a clinician in his early career in the U.K. Subsequently he moved to the biopharmaceutical industry where he led the development of several innovative medicines in a variety of therapeutic areas, including immunology, oncology and neurology. In his industry career he has worked in positions of increasing responsibility at Biogen, GlaxoSmithKline, Serono and then Merck Healthcare. He has also served on the boards of several start-up companies. Since 2001 he has given an annual postgraduate course on biotech drug development at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL).
“Living medicines are expected to play an increasingly important role in the treatment of a wide range of diseases. These new treatments require innovative approaches to regulation, manufacturing and validation. The Pin™ Platform aims to enable new approaches to these challenges to be implemented, in order to reduce the time, cost and risk of development, in order to achieve better patient outcomes at lower costs.”
Prof. Pierre Magistretti
Professor Magistretti is a neurobiologist and biomarkers expert. He has made with his group significant discoveries and contributions in the field of brain energy metabolism. They have discovered some of the cellular and molecular mechanisms when neuronal activity and energy consumption by the brain coupling. This work is essential for the understanding of the origin of the signals detected with current functional brain imaging techniques uses in neurologic and psychiatric research. Authoring more than 250 original articles in high impacting journals, his research has been supported at a significant level for more than thirty years by the Swiss National Science Foundation and by other international peers review.
“The cell therapy platform developed by CYTEA BIO is unique and has a great potential for the development of new treatments.”